bespoke suit Over the last few months there’s been a growing number of freebie hunters on this website. Surprisingly, not all of them come from underdeveloped countries. A lot of them are from the United States.
As you know, I’m working extremely hard to create high quality eBooks and articles. I’ve been doing this for 3 years and I can honestly say there are very few publishers that are able to write on men’s style in such detail.
I have many websites but Be Stylish is the one I’m most proud of… because I’ve put many thousands of hours in it.
And the Be Stylish Package is probably my greatest achievement. It’s the most comprehensive men’s style eBook for beginners and intermediate men, that will literally turn you into a handsome well dressed man. You’ve seen the before and after photos… you see all the pictures I put of well dressed men… so you know it can be done.
Unfortunately, not everyone has good intentions.
Some guys decide take advantage of the refund that I have for all my products. They know even before they make the purchase that they’ll want their money back (or to cancel their trial). So once they get their hands on their product, then hold on to it, then try to get the money back or cancel the trial with their teeth.
They send me e-mails telling me that the product isn’t for them or that it was not what they expected.
The same copy-paste messages arrive in my inbox every once in a while. Must be from the secret trolling forum these guys activate on, where they have a step-by-step guide to stealing e-products.
Let me make it very very clear: my guarantee DOES NOT cove such cases. I did not say “you can cancel because your girlfriend left you” or anything like that.
Let me make it very very clear: my guarantee DOES NOT cove such cases. I did not say “you can cancel because your girlfriend left you” or anything like that.
You CAN cancel if you’re not happy with the product. You have to be “happy” or “not happy” with it.
You CAN cancel the trial if you TRIED the product.
See what happens here?
You have to TRY the product first. if you don’t try it, you can’t cancel or refund the product.
Hopefully put some light about what guarantees mean. They are not a means to take something for free, taking advantage of the fact that no-one checks your computer to see if you deleted the product after you got your money back or canceled the trial.
Guarantees are a way to ensure customer satisfaction. And I did have one guy who admitted that he read every book on the subject plus a dozen blogs about men’s style. There was nothing new i could teach him (except super-advanced things, maybe, that are not (yet) in the Be Stylish package). I gladly refunded him.
I hope this whole article bespoke suit did not sound too harsh, I just wanted to shed some light on what a guarantee really means.
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